Stanislav Cherchesov: What does not kill us – makes it stronger. What happened at the Smolova World Cup did not kill – World Cup – Football


The head coach of the Russian team receives a glbad ball of red color, to which Stanislav Salamovich immediately says: "The ball is red – the color of Russia, the color of" Spartacus ". Probably the red and white is really true forever.

Then began the communication in the mode of the press conference. Here are the answers to the most interesting questions:


– What feelings did you have? did you feel when you were a goalkeeper? and what do you feel now?

– If you make an badogy in terms of emotions and feelings, then the goalkeeper and the coach are a profession. Here and there you are responsible for the result and you can not go wrong.

– Stanislav Salamovich, how do you see the development of children's football in remote areas of Russia?

– We have guys from all over the country. In my opinion, there is not even a single Muscovite . There are people from Barnaul and other distant regions. And earlier it was real, and now.

We have recently launched several projects for children, which in the future should give the result. Especially now, there is a push on the football side. Therefore, we would like the Dagestan and Ossetians to come to us, not to fight freely

– Which goal do you consider the most beautiful of the championship?

– All our goals were the most beautiful. 19659002] – How did you manage to create such an atmosphere within the team? The boys fought, fought and were one.

– We worked for two years. The World Cup is a tournament in which a certain specificity is important. It's a huge pressure: a flag, a hymn, fans. In this respect, we often do not understand why we take these players or football players.

Everything is simple – we need a certain "blood group". The main thing in building a team is freedom and responsibility. We trusted everyone. After the match, anyone who wanted to go home at night. And during the preparation and holding time of the tournament, none of the players was late for training or lunch.

We have selected those who are able to find a common language in life and angry . 19659002] – What are the meanings that you distinguish in life?

– Deep question. If you want to reject mere human happiness, family, parents, health and children, then bring your country your favor in the area you have chosen. In the morning, I woke up, there is no rain, it is already happiness.

– How to encourage young people to play sports?

– You can not get into the sport. We need to motivate with examples. Two things motivate a person: fear and interest. Fear ends quickly and the interest remains a long time

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– Is it important for the national team to attract football players from their country or rely on foreigners ?

– In 1991, Spartak won at Santiago Bernabeu in the "Real" 3: 1. Aliens I was an Ossetia, then it was considered so.

At the World Championships, we played a Brazilian. We did not ask him to change his pbadport, we never ask anyone. If there is a desire for the soul, then take citizenship, become in a row. If you are competitive, we will look with pleasure. Above all we do not persuade anyone. If it's worthy – please. But above all, we do not ask anyone

– What kind of goodbye words did you give to young people involved in football?

– To advance without fear and without doubt.

– What captain qualities of the team?

– It should be like Igor Akinfeev (the room exploded with applause)

– How do you play sports?

– Play football and see, as the girls will be … (Here, Cherchesov broke his famous smile and the room again applauded.)


– How do you find your strength?

– As I said after the match against the Croats, we would have fought a few more weeks None of us are tired How can you get tired of you It is impossible to get tired of you!

– Our guys are now working on a project related to football Can we use the name "Football field named Cherchesova"?

– For how much? For thanks you can. For the money there is not (laugh in the room )

– What do you think of beer in stadiums?

– Here the question is economic, vital and principled I am negatived f on this case, because I live properly. Another thing is that there is an economy. The person who did this (used alcohol – note "SE"), maybe, will come (at the stage – note "SE"), civilized something will take, will pay for it, and even will be in good condition. Football looked, the money is gone – the team lives, stadium lives.

I myself have lived in Germany and Austria, where everything happened before my eyes, and there was nothing wrong with it. And at the world championships, it was practiced – not a single incident was there. The most important thing is to know how to do everything. The economy has not been canceled yet


– During the championship there was a fan zone in our city [

– Stanislav Salamovich, are you ready to lead the national team? at the next world championships?

– To be the coach of our team – we must always show the result. But I will not think so far

– How to ignore the negative and fight it?

– If the negative happens, then smile softly. But remember, he never goes alone.

– Before the Tournament, our team chose the motto: "Play with an open mind." Why?

– If the heart is closed, it is difficult to understand, to accept, and especially to fall in love. Therefore, we chose this motto. We should be open to our fans

– What do you think, what place will Zenit take? And will Sergei Semak be able to elevate the club to the level where it was a few seasons ago?

– Serezha and I played together for the national team. And when he was studying at the school of coaches, the practice took place in my "Dynamo". I do not know which place, which will take. He wants to be the same coach he was as a player: intelligent, determined and successful

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– For whom did you suffer in the final of the championship?

– After our match against Croatia, I do not know I wanted to watch the tournament. I was invited to the finale by the president's protocol. And so I would not go in the final

– Now, literally, all clubs are fighting for our players! Give them recommendations, who to play for? What rules did you establish when you led the national team? What words of support did they find for Feodor Smolov after his meeting with Croatia?

– It is clear that a big tournament is a podium. We spoke with Sasha Golovin a few days ago. I was interested in his destiny. As far as I know, either sign or have already signed a contract with Monaco (a meeting with participants in the forum took place before the official announcement of the transition from Golovin to Monaco.) – Note: "SE") . It's a good company. The success of our team did not go unnoticed. There are players who have certain invitations in hand. I will not name their names so as not to disturb the public. We told Golovin that we would watch him. Whether he succeeds or not, we will extend his hand. I myself went that way, I know how difficult it is.

Sometimes it happens that we do not need words (Fedor Smolov). This is the case when words are not needed. Everything is going to settle. He will understand it, will come back to himself. And at the next rally, we talk calmly, looking at this situation from a different angle. It is clear that this is not the most enjoyable moment of his career. But such things happen. Anything that does not kill us makes us stronger. He did not kill him. And our task is to help him. It all depends on him – how he's going to rethink everything.

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