State Duma comments on Naftogaz's new lawsuit against Gazprom


In my opinion, all sober people understand that this situation is an attempt to show the Ukrainian leadership that Naftogaz is working.

Igor Anansky

First Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Energy

According to him, the main problem of Ukrainian society is that "Naftogaz" "does not try to s & d; Sit at the table and talk about market relations. "

" I would recommend "Naftogaz" to understand that life has changed, that socialism has disappeared and that no one will help them.Therefore, it is necessary to discuss market conditions with Gazprom so that it is profitable for both the Russian company and the Ukrainian company.Naftogaz announced earlier in the day that he had filed a claim of 11.58 billion of dollars against Gazprom requesting a review of tariffs for gas transit from March 2013.

The amount of prosecution of requirements may be reduced if the Russian company buys transit capacity after 2019.

Ukrainian company stated that the blue fuel transit agreement between Naftogaz and Gazprom allows the parties to demand a tariff revision if a gas market occurred significant changes, as well as the rate does not correspond to the level of Europe.

"Naftogaz" has already applied for the Stockholm tariff revision for transit in 2010, but the court has not satisfied these demands. Ukrainian society claimed that this occurred "because of their incompatibility with the formal requirements". "Naftogaz" has promised to prepare another letter that will comply with all formalities.

In another dispute over contracts for the supply and transit of blue fuel, Gazprom has to pay $ 2.56 billion to Ukrainian society. Russian society has appealed this decision. In addition, Gazprom announced that it was canceling contracts with Naftogaz. In May, the Ukrainian side announced that it had initiated a mandatory recovery procedure and supported Naftogaz's application for the seizure of the shares of Nord Stream AG and Nord Stream 2 AG

Gazprom appealed to the Court of Appeal of the Swedish District of Svea Stockholm Arbitration. "Naftogaz" tried to overturn the verdict, but the court found his arguments unconvincing.

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