Swallows will become two stories – News Mail.Ru


High-speed electric trains of the leading Russian manufacturer – the factory "Ural Locomotives" (a joint venture of the Sinara Group and Siemens AG) are requested in all areas of operation: Moscow, Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Kaliningrad, Ivanovo, Kursk and Orel. In order to implement plans of extension of the ranges and operational itineraries of Russian "Swallows", the company continues to work on the creation of new modifications. "19659002" The mobility of the population is increasing every day. large urban agglomerations, and between regions, – commented the general manager of the factory "Ural Locomotives" Oleg Spay. – There are already three modifications of "Swallows", in the priority – the creation of multi-component and multi-system electric trains. In the near future, the swallow tests of seven cars will be completed. This is our first experience in the production of mixed trains for sites with different pbadenger capacity. "

To create a seven-wagon electric train, the main" Swallow "structure is complemented by motor and non-engine wagons, increasing pbadenger capacity from 1385 to 2013. For the customer – Railways Russian – it is an opportunity by completing the trains of five existing cars with additional cars in a short time to increase the volume of the transport processes, without reducing the intervals between the trains. Creation of "swallows" of variable composition, the capabilities of the Russian system of control and diagnosis of the microprocessor, allowing to vary the composition of the train from five to twelve cars, have been exploited to the maximum.

. trains will carry pbadengers on sections electrified by a direct current (3 kV) and alternating (25 kV) on tracks of a gauge of 1520 mm: Russia, country of the C EI and Baltic countries

. wagons on the basis of the "Swallow" electric train, in which coupes equipped with sleeping places will be provided, and restaurant car.

For the transport company one of the advantages is the lack of as a rented unit and a reduction of the journey time thanks to a guaranteed speed going up to 160 km / h in the presence of an acceleration up to 0.4 m / s2. In addition, the use of two-story cars will transport the maximum number of pbadengers along the route in a train ride. In total, the train provides 490 seats, which is 28% more than the current "Swallow-Premium" electric trains.

As a promising direction, the company is considering the development of diesel electric trains sections of the road, where the change of power supply systems along the road is necessary . Thanks to the Russian control system in the construction diesel trains a modular approach can also be applied. This will make it possible to implement economic algorithms to work with a different number of plants depending on the complexity of the journey and the pbadenger traffic in specific areas.

Alexander Misharin, First Deputy Director General of the Russian Railways, presents the new models of the Urals locomotive at the Innoprom-2018 company booth, which evaluated the promising directions and recommended presenting them to the largest international exhibition of transport technology InnoTrans 2018. Also during the bsuzhdeniya was discussed about the company's preparation for the production of rolling stock at high speed.

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