Tactically Russia has overtaken Brazil – Sports Mail.Ru


The former Zenit head coach explained why in the spring he was confident that the Russian national team would be far to the World Cup and shared the expectations of the finals.

Lucescu has an indirect relationship with the upcoming finals. Guided by the Romanian team, Turkey played in the selection of the 2018 World Cup in the same group as the Croatians. And the latter's defeat of the Lucescu (0-1) team, notably prompted the resignation of Ante Chachić and the urgent nomination of Zlatko Dalić – the current coach of the tournament's sensational finalists.

In addition, the Turks examined the Russian team before the World Cup. And it is with them that the team of Stanislav Cherchesov will hold the first game of the 2018/19 Nations Cup in Trabzon on September 7th.

"Do not change Cherchesov Dzyuba – the result would be different"

– Before the 2018 World Cup, Turkey is far from optimal composition played with Russia in a draw. Now, such a result is surprising?

– If you remember, after this match, I just said that Russia is able to reach the semifinals. And not at all because he was at the World Championships for Brazil and Russia, which he also publicly announced.

– Then the press conference thought that you just wanted to support your colleague and friend Cherchesova, against whom the press was very aggressive.

– Not at all I really believed in the semi-finals, but, you see, was slightly deceived . In the match with Turkey, Russia, I really liked in terms of tactics, the team quickly rebuilt according to what is happening on the ground. When it turned out, she played the pressure, when we took the ball under control, skillfully went into defense.

The ability to change the style of play is very important to the outcome. The fact that in physics, the Russians will add, I think it was obvious to everyone. Even compared to your previous match against Austria, it was visible how much faster and more powerful the players have become. And that's what happened – at a group tournament from the physical point of view, it was as if another team was playing.

And, as I guessed, Russia did well. I was so confident in my prediction that I even bought tickets for the semifinal, but when Russia lost, I gave them to him.

– I am sure that if Cherchesov did not change Artem Dzyuba, the result would be different. Artem was the most confident in all the matches of the tournament. Such players are very necessary in penalty kicks. Dziuba would surely have scored. Obviously, he could be tired, but still struggled and hooked, and would help in penalties.

But this is not a reproach to Cherchesov. I am impressed by his work on the organization of the game. Russia used an offensive and aggressive style against Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which brought its dividends, and when came the time to defend against Spain, she supported well defensive football.

"I gave the Italians a flattering opinion about Golovin"

– And we, despite the historic quarter-finals, always say that Cherchesov was lucky with his rivals in the group and with the crisis in the Spanish national team.

– The most important thing in football is to see how your team can beat an opponent. To the Russian team at the World Cup such a line has been seen. And I noticed it on the match with Turkey. And after such a result for the Russian team comes again. The players have received a strong trust charge, they have seen that they can compete on a level playing field with powerful rivals. Now, in the qualifying tournament of the League of Nations of Turkey it will be more difficult

– It is clear with the tactical flexibility, but should we have the courage to send 11 people in defense in front of their spectators? "And what about courage?" I explain, that's called watching things, about the quality of their players. Go to the attack with Spain, and they will enjoy every extra meter free in your half. With Croatia was exactly the same thing. When it was necessary, stood in the defense, began to give extra time, went ahead and tied the score. The adaptability of tactical constructions under the nature of the match is an indicator of a clbady team. And in the shootout series, just no luck.

– And who liked the players except Dzyuba?

– Alexander Golovin was the best. And in the match with Turkey, and every game of the World Cup. I was even called from Italy and asked for an opinion about it, and I gave the most flattering badessment. And, of course, Sergei Ignashevich. For 39 years, he looked incredible. He deserved to finish his career at least in the semi-finals

– Your teams are still trying to play offensive football, and at this World Cup, the bias was pragmatism. Was not it boring to watch?

– Everyone who has watched the last matches has had to understand how the World Cup takes place without the South American teams. All another tournament. Yes, distant teams with a high level of organization, tactical interactions, but what about fantasy, improvisation in attack, nice combinations? None of this was practically

Watch was interesting, but not so exciting. Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia give more football. No doubt, the Europeans have honestly defeated them, but with other footballers. With a focus on tactics. Look at Sweden. Three wins in the tournament, what power, organization, but the focus is only on the counterattacks and standards. England is pretty much the same. Minimum of combinations, only the head. I spent my entire career putting offensive football on my team: control and attack. Other options do not impress me.

"I'm betting on France, but I'm rooting for Croatia"

– By the way, about your teams. In Brazil, one of the reasons for the failure of his team is called the abundance of players and people of the Shakhtar system. You, probably, it's a pity to hear that, because it's the same Fernandinho or Willian that you called your kids?

– Blaming Fernandinho in a goal against Belgium – just stupid. Jesus jumped in front of him, and the ball just was not visible. His guilt is minimal, but now all his game will be judged by this unfortunate moment. And to write that the Shakhtar had lobbying is just silly. Fernandinho played a bit, Willian against Belgium was replaced by Douglas Costa. By the way, he came out very busy, keen, but the whole team was constantly playing on the flank opposite Neimar. Here is their mistake.

They could have attacked all areas, but only lost the emissions at Neimaru. He is a very strong player, but he wanted to decide each episode individually. So, nothing will happen because it is held by three. And it was just that Brazil had not had the opportunity to rebuild during the match.

– In terms of tactics, was Russia more flexible than Brazil itself?

– I talked about the importance of this component. It's on the surface: use not only Neimar – let it distract the attention of defenders, – more often connect to other areas. No doubt, betting on a Neimar can bring success, as in the game with [Costa Rica] but if it still loses the ball and brings counterattacks, your chances of winning fall.

here "Shakhtar"? The same Fernandinho could be used closer to the attack because he played with me and now works in Manchester City. This is a football player with an excellent last pbad, transfer to the goal, and against Belgium in front of the two central midfielders only used Paulinho. Douglas Costa created four points, but he was not awarded a ball virtually. Everyone was only looking for Neimar and Coutinho. How to surprise an opponent?

– You play with Russia in September. Your players probably think that since the second team has almost beaten ours, the base will be easy to understand again?

– The Russian national team now has a completely different picture on the international scene after such a world championship. Such a level of trust that your team has never had. Of course, I will bring everything to my young players, that we will be opposed by a very strong opponent. In our group there are two quarterfinals of the world championship, this will help solve the problem of preparing a competitive team by 2020. This is the task before me

– Your prediction: France or Croatia?

– I am thinking of France, but I will support the Croats. First, I love this country, and, second, in the last game of the selection for the World Cup, we beat Croatia – 1 : 0. I think that my players will be able to look at each other in a different way . This is important for motivation.

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