Tatarstan has launched two new production facilities in Tatarstan


"Today, in the complex of Taneco refineries and petrochemical plants, we have launched two new large-scale production facilities that allow us to produce more than 1.6 million more diesel fuel annually over 500 000 tons of high quality aviation kerosene.The investment is 13 billion rubles, and a large petrochemical complex development program is underway, "Minister Minnikhanov said at the Tatarstan oil summit

. loading of production capacities. The monthly investment in the project, according to Minnikhanov, exceeds 2 billion rubles

Minnikhanov added that by the end of this year, the complex will double the refining capacity, launched the production of Motor essences.

According to Tatneft, At the present time, Taneco's refineries are fully loaded. In 2017, the complex produced 8.5 million tonnes of petroleum products. The depth of treatment exceeded 99.2%, the yield of light petroleum products was greater than 87.5%. As a result of 2017, 221 thousand tons of aviation kerosene and 1.4 million tons of diesel fuel "Euro-5" were produced. With the launch of new facilities, aviation fuel will be produced on the basis of a new raw material component – hydrotreated direct distillation kerosene, "Euro-5" diesel – based on a hydrotreated diesel fraction of direct distillation.

The diesel fraction removes compounds of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and unsaturated hydrocarbons to achieve the required level of quality meeting environmental and operational requirements

Taneco is a privately owned Petroleum refining in Russia which has strategic importance for the development of the economy of Tatarstan and is a member of the Tatneft group of companies. The first phase of the complex of petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants was commissioned in December 2011.

PJSC Tatneft is engaged in the exploration, development and production of petroleum. It accounts for more than 80% of the oil produced in Tatarstan. The main shareholder of Tatneft, the public holding company Svyazinvestneftekhim, holds 26.14% of the company's capital. Tatarstan has a "golden share" of the company.

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