Tavrida highway ready for 35% – Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation


"In the first stage of the construction of Kerch in Simferopol (190 km), nearly 100 km of asphalt concrete were implemented in two bands.On the second stage of the construction of Kerch in Sevastopol – more 40 km in two-way performance ", – specified in the profile department.

In the press service noted that currently laying bituminous concrete on "Tavrida" is carried out in two layers. "The overlay of crushed-mastic asphalt concrete on all 250.7 km of the route will be completed in 2020 prior to the commissioning of the facility. Then the movement will be opened all the way from Kerch to Sevastopol in the 4-way performance ", added the Ministry of Transport.

The department also noted that after the opening of the movement for Tavrida in 2 tracks in December 2018 it will be possible to reduce the load towards Kerch-Simferopol

"Until the end of 2018, it is planned to open traffic on 10 new interchanges transport. The launch of the first stage of Tavrida and interchanges will remove the transmission voltage in the Feodosiya region, where traffic jams are forming due to congestion of the existing Kerch-Theodosia-Simferopol highway during the pbadage of the Primorskoye and Beregovoe settlements. The beginning of the movement along the Tavrida will also significantly reduce the number of cars in the region of Old Crimea, Belogorsk and the entrance to Simferopol, "the press service pointed out [19659002] Tavrida – the future main transport artery of the Crimea – will connect the east and west of the peninsula A 250.75 km four-lane road from Kerch to Sevastopol will include 18 transport interchanges and 123 artificial structures.The capacity of the road will be 40 thousand units per day

After the completion of the construction of the road in a four-lane version, the journey through Tavrida from Kerch to Simferopol will take about two hours Pbading the entire highway to Sevastopol will be less than three hours.

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