Tax for the self-employed: the Ministry of Labor said who and how much it will pay


On the need to introduce a cumulative single payment and innovations of the new draft law on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the legalization of the activities of informal workers the Deputy Minister Labor and Social Protection ] of the government Press Center . reports with reference to the official website of the head of government

In the speech "New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution", the head of state stressed the importance of To ensure the efficiency of the labor market. Heads of State The Ministry is currently working on a number of tools that will bring people out of the shadows of people who work in the informal sector or who are engaged in the labor market. a kind of entrepreneurial activity . but not formalized. The government and the ministry are working together to bring these people into the social security structure. There is a risk that tomorrow a person will retire when they reach retirement age or become ill, or they are women who go on leave to take care of their child: they may end up without benefits, "said the deputy minister. social protection N. Altaev

For all Kazakh citizens to receive social benefits and participate in the OSMS, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection proposes to introduce a single total payment for the self-employed. The draft law on the formalization of employment, providing for a set of tax and administrative measures will be introduced in Majilis in September this year.

According to N. Altaev, the introduction of the CAP will simplify registration and facilitate tax burden, will give the right to receive medical services under the OSMS and l & rsquo; Allocation of social benefits from the compulsory social insurance system.

It is expected that the size of the cap for residents of the city will be an MCI. Thus, 10% of the funds received will go to personal income tax, 20% to the State Compulsory Social Insurance Fund, 30% to pensions and 40% to the Compulsory Fund. social insurance. Given the introduction of the CAP from the shadows will come about 500 000 self-employed.

MLSPP has studied the international experience of implementing similar programs. For example, in Argentina in 1998-2009. the number of registered small businesses has tripled. In Brazil in 2010-2011. the number of registered entrepreneurs rose to 1.4 million

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