The average pension in St. Petersburg is more than three times lower than the minimum


The average size of the monthly pension badigned to St. Petersburg is, according to the latest data available from the FIU and Petrostat on April 1, 2018, 14,924 rubles. That's 3.13 times less than the amount of the pension granted to deputies of the State Duma, whose term as a deputy was only 5 to 10 years

If we compare with the pension of deputies of the State Duma, the average pension of ordinary pensioners of St. Petersburg is 4.26 times less.

Comparing the deputy pension with the average pension in the Leningrad region, the difference becomes even more palpable.

The average pension in the Leningrad region is 13,741 rubles, that's 3.4 times less than the pension of a deputy who worked from 5 to 10 years, and 4.63 times less than the pension from the old …

As reported by BakuToday, according to the state Duma apparatus, the pension of a Duma deputy of the State Duma. State is 46 thousand 626 rubles in the performance of duties of 5 to 10 years and 63 thousand 581 rubles in the performance of duties for 10 years or more.

It should be noted that the supplementary pension is a supplement to the ordinary pension, which is appointed on the basis of activities. The deputies will receive an additional pension after 63 years, women, after 65 years – men.

Remember that the authorities of St. Petersburg say that the burden on pensions and the social system of the city is constantly increasing. 86 thousand. Previously, it took 11 years to the city to receive such an increase, – Governor Georgy Poltavchenko said at the end of April in his report to the Legislative Assembly. – The growth rate of the elderly population is almost three times higher than before. In urban social services, the dynamics of capacity are much more modest. "

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