The bill on the accreditation of visa centers has been withdrawn from the State Duma


Moscow. July 28th. INTERFAX.RU – Konstantin Kosachev, head of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, said that the draft law on the accreditation of visa centers had been withdrawn from the Duma

"Today , With our colleague Oleg Morozov "- wrote Kosachev in Facebook.

The senator said that he and Morozov will seek legislative design of the idea of ​​regulating the activities of visa centers in the interest of protecting the interests of Russian citizens.

"So yes, we withdraw, but no – we do not abandon the idea itself and we will certainly return during the autumn session," Kosachev said. . the draft law on the accreditation of visa centers is not intended to close them, it is designed to protect the rights of consumers against unscrupulous producers of such services, said one of the authors of the document

. More personal data, including biometric data, which should be stored and processed in a certain order, and not arbitrarily, "wrote Kosachev in his facebook

Bill on Amendments to Federal Law 114 on the procedure of departure and entry into Russia (regarding the definition of requirements for visa service centers) was presented to the State Duma by Senators Konstantin Kosachev and Oleg Morozov.The amendments presuppose the following: badignment to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the function of compulsory accreditation of all enterprises providing intermediary services to Russian citizens when issuing visas and working requirements

that these requirements do not correspond to any of the visa centers operating in Russia.Therefore, the adoption of the bill will result in the closure of the centers and the appearance there are queues for obtaining visas.

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