The bridge over the Moscow Canal at Khoroshov-Mnyovniki will be built in 2019


The bridge over the Moscow Cbad on the territory of the Mnevnikovskaya flood plain is expected to be built in 2019. It will connect the street of the popular militia to Mnevniki Street, said Marat Khusnullin, deputy mayor of Moscow on the urban development policy and construction.

"Today, the construction of the roads of the Northwest is completed. However, to improve road traffic, it was decided to build a new additional bridge across the Moscow Cbad in the lock zone, "said the head of the construction complex. west and the north of the city by 10-15 percent. Thanks to the new high-speed motorway, congestion on roads and intersections at the Moscow ring road will also decrease.

The length of roads built in northwest is more than 50 kilometers. In addition, about 25 transport facilities such as tunnels and viaducts have appeared, as well as about thirty underground and overhead pedestrian crossings.

The Northwest Agreement crosses the northern and western part of the capital of Dmitrovsky in Skolkovskoye. and Michurinsky Prospekt. The new road connected radial roads such as Michurinsky Prospekt, Skolkovskoye, Mozhaiskoye, Rublevskoye, Zvenigorodskoye, Volokolamskoye, Leningradskoye and Dmitrovskoye.

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