The citizens of Kazakhstan will be forced to pay interest on the sale of cars and apartments to the EPPF


Law No. 165-VI of 2 July 2018 entered into force on 14 July 2018 and amends the Pension Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Part 1, paragraph 4, of section 25 of the Act provides that, as of July 14, 2018, persons receiving income under Civil Law Contracts are required to pay pension contributions to the Unified Cumulative Pension Fund, up to 10% of the income received but at least 10% of the minimum salary payments (in 2018 MZP – 28 284 tenge) and not in the 39. C- is to say that the legislators have removed the restriction, which was expressed by the fact that the object of the contract was clearly prescribed. Now, the Kazakhs must pay 10% of all GPC contracts

In the civil law of the RK, there is no clear definition of "civil-legal contract ". The closest to this expression is the "civil law relationship" described in Chapter 1 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Article 1. P. 1. Civil Property Law Merchandise and Money and other ownership relationships based on the equality of participants, as well as non-property related personal relationships. Citizens, Legal Entities, the State, and Administrative-Territorial Units are Participants in the Relations Regulated by Civil Law

In other words, the majority of the contracts entered into can be attributed to civil-legal relations . This sale and purchase contracts (Article 406 of the Special Part of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan), including retail sale (article 445 of the Civil Code)

seller the seller engaged in commercial activities for the sale of goods, undertakes to transfer goods to the buyer, generally for personal, family, residential or other, unrelated to business.

that since July 14, 2018, the Kazakh [ad_2]
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