The coach of the Croatian national football team hopes support from the Russians in the semi-finals of the 2018 World Cup


MOSCOW, July 10. / TASS /. Head coach of the Croatian national football team Zlatko Dalic expressed his hope that the Russians will support his team, despite the scandal that followed the quarter-final match between the Croatian and Russian. This was reported by a specialist at the press conference of


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The Croatian team beat the Russian team in the quarter-finals of the World Cup (2: 2, 4: 3 on penalties) and after the match, a scandal due provocative statements of the Croatian team Ognena Vukojevic and defender Domagoya Species. The semifinal of the 2018 World Cup against the British team of Croatia will be held Wednesday at the stadium "Luzhniki" of Moscow, from 21:00 MSK.

"I am grateful for everything that happened last month in Russia and at every stage for us sick.Tomorrow we expect support, including Russian fans, it is a Another motivation for us is that football unites people from all over the world, and we are grateful for this warm welcome and we will always warmly remember those few weeks in Russia, thank you for your hospitality, "said Dalich.

The same opinion was expressed by the defender of the Croatian national team Dejan Lovren. "The World Championship in Russia is organized brilliantly, it is the best organization of the tournament.I can only thank and congratulate Russia for the holding of such a tournament.I hope that tomorrow we will be supported, because our languages ​​are similar, there are many common words, and I know that a lot of Croatian fans will come to support us, "said the American football player

. Another semi-final, in which the teams will play in France and Belgium This match will take place on Tuesday at St. Petersburg, start – 21:00 Moscow time The final of the World Cup will take place July 15 at Luzhniki stadium, from 18:00 Moscow time

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