The construction of a long-term home on Lazo Street in Artem will be postponed until 2019


The apartment in Lazo, 15/2 in Artem will be commissioned in the third quarter of 2019. This was narrated by Primorye chief, Andrey Tarasenko, at a personal meeting with citizens .

An apartment building on Lazo Street is one of the problematic construction projects in Artem. The erection began in 2015. The group of shareholders joined the cooperative while during construction, most of the citizens managed to pay the funds provided by the contracts. However, in 2016, active work on the site was suspended, and in 2017, construction was stopped completely. As Irina Krutikova, one of the participants of the cooperative, said at the reception, more than 100 people are now homeless and delivery times are constantly being transferred.

"We concluded contracts with builders in 2014, we are waiting for the fifth year. People live in rented apartments, in cottages, ready to go to extreme measures, "she shared.

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