The Croatian national team has surpassed the English in all aspects of the game in the semi-finals of the 2018 World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


Wednesday, the Croatian team Luzhniki stadium in Moscow beat the England team 2-1 in overtime, conceding in the course of the match, and for the first time in the & [[[[[[[[[[historyreachedthefinaloftheWorldCupweplayedbetterwestartedtocontroltheballandintheendwewonrightly"hesaid"WewerebetterthantheEnglishineveryaspectofthegame"DuringthebreakIIaskedtheplayersnottopressnottobenervousbuttoplayquietlywhattheydid"addedtheCroatianspecialist"YesmanyexpertspredictthevictoryoftheBritishbutyoucantellthemthatthebadexpertsarebecausetheydonotknowwhattheCroatsarecapableof"

In the final, the Croatians will face the French team on July 15th. Another semifinal beat the Belgians with a score of 1: 0. "We are ready for the match with the France team," said Dalich. – Of course, the fact that we finished all the playoff games no earlier than the extra time, we have less rest for a day, may affect the game on Sunday. Dalich noted that his team does not consider the finals to come as a rematch for the 1998 World Cup semi-finals, in which the French won a voluntary victory. on Croats with a score of 2: 1. "Everyone in Croatia remembers the match with the French in 1998. This match is of historical significance for our country," he said. "Maybe God even lets us score, but we do not see this match as an opportunity for revenge."

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