The girls cried when Ignashevich spoke. Sincere meets CSKA with fans – Premier League News – Football


Source: Sports Express

Dmitry ZELENOV, Jaroslav SUSOV
3rd Sandy Street

It seems that not all CSKA games are as big a group of people as they are meet the team. Fans have filled almost the entire lower level of the central stand and partially – the upper. Everyone wanted to sit closer to the center, but the seats were already occupied half an hour before departure. In total, about five thousand people gathered at the stadium.

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The team sat on the chairs in front of the podium, on the podium club president Evgeny Giner, head coach Victor Goncharenko, general manager Roman Babaev, chief of the Premier League Sergei Pryadkin and veteran of the # 39th Army Vladimir Ponomarev. And the chief of the army press service Sergei Aksenov masterfully acted as the presenter.

– Do not question the success of CSKA! He started. – We play for six years in the group stage of the Champions League!

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Then Giner spoke. [19659009] – You have the best fans, – said the chairman of CSKA. "It's not my club, it's yours." You give your heart to the matches, thank you for that. Thank you for the behavior shown at our stage of the house. All that promised, accomplished, thank you. I hope we will continue our series. Over the past 15-17 years, everyone has proven everything, now we have to support it.

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Giner was greeted very warmly, but always warmer – all players. Especially, of course, Fernandez, Dzagoeva, Golovin, Akinfeev, as well as outgoing veterans – brothers Berezutsky and Ignashevich.

The two brothers were only Vasily. Alexei for some reason did not come to the meeting. Nevertheless, Vasya's brother said a few words and hung two medals around his neck. Giner and Pryadkin awarded cash prizes to the team.

I want to express my words with great gratitude, "said Berezutsky. – Over 16, we have won many trophies and titles. They did it only because of you. My brother and I did our best. Many thanks to Yevgeny Lennorovich, Roman Yurievich, the coaches, all the players they played with. Mbadeurs, stadium employees. It's all thanks to you. You are the best fans in the world, and CSKA will always be the first!

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But the veteran announced that, said goodbye, but not until the end!

– I thought it would be sad, – said Ignashevich. – It turned out not quite so. Maybe because I played enough football. Maybe because I'm not completely saying goodbye. I want to thank you. You do better football. Young people do not fully understand the meaning of this support. Furious bastard, last minute goals are not only the self-denial of the players, but also your support. I want to thank all the coaches for continuing to work and study. Now, I will train the CSKA youth team. On Wednesday, I have my first workout!

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Fans also asked questions to management. The main one is the transfer and the tasks. That's what Giner and Goncharenko replied

– The transfer campaign never stops, but we do not compete with rivals who will buy more, "said CSKA president. We need quality, guys who are going to strengthen, I'm sure the guys who come will glorify our club. "19659009" We have a new team, "Goncharenko said. 39, history, then Berezutsky, Ignashevich and Akinfeev came to Evgeny Lennorovich quite young and a few years later they won the European Cup.Now we have to build a new team, it's the task And then we will set goals in European competition.

Well, at the very end of the fun, and without this spiritual ceremony, footballers from the CSKA Women's Football Club have added. girls asked their colleagues to come to them for the match, and after the end of the official party they ran to the parking lot to be photographed.

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With Golovin, Fernandez, Magnusson.

The most fortunate was the Cameroonian legionnaire Gabriel Ongene. When she saw Golovin, she did not even shout, but sang "Ga-la-vi-i-in!"

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Maybe he knows that Ongene will not see Alexander soon in this stadium?

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