The great sport leaves Russia. When will he come back? – Mail.Ru Sports


When, in the summer of 2007, at the session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Guatemala, Sochi received the right to host the 2014 Winter Olympics, it is became for our country the beginning of an era. The whole decade with more than a few years, when they trusted and trusted Russia, not like the others. At least in the field of sports – that's for sure.

Over the past decade, Russia has hosted virtually every major tournament possible. Winter Olympics, World Cup, Summer Universiade, World Championships in all the most prestigious Olympic sports – hockey, athletics, water sports, biathlon, shooting. This set is no longer and there was not another country. But all good, unfortunately, usually ends.

July 19, 1980. Opening of the Summer Olympics in Moscow


The only major tournament that has so far pbaded Russia is the Olympic Games. summer. Since 1980, when Moscow welcomed them, enough time has elapsed to theoretically try to compete again for this right.

– Russia will continue to host major sporting events, "said Arkady Dvorkovich, director of the Russia-2018 organizing committee. "All our partners, the international organizations, know that we can do it." As for the Summer Games, they are painted in 2028. We will badess the situation in the next two years and make a decision. While talking early. In any case, the decision will remain for the president of the country and the government, not for me.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently spoke of the Summer Olympics

– In this context, I would prefer not to talk about Moscow. , – Putin said in response to a question from British journalist David Miller, who has cooperated with the IOC for many years. – In addition to the capital, we have a number of other cities that can take the Summer Olympics in the future. This, of course, Sochi, but, moreover, St. Petersburg and, perhaps, Kazan. We do not yet make concrete statements. But in 2014, our country has successfully organized the Winter Olympics, and I do not rule out the possibility that Russia may participate in the filing of applications for the right to host children. other Olympic Games.

2032 is too far from ie guessing. The nearest Summer Olympics after Tokyo 2020 are already planned between Paris and Los Angeles. And this pushes the election of future capital beyond the planning horizon

February 7, 2014. Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Sochi [19659004] MOSCOW – THE MOST PREPARED. PETER – THE MOST ATTRACTIVE

Theoretically, in the next 10-15 years a lot of things can change, and in our relationships with the IOC, including. He will no longer head the current President, Thomas Bach, and the one who remains at the helm of Russian sport is also a big question. We can not exclude that after this period of mutual disappointment, we become friends again. And the IOC will be happy to give Russia the other Olympic Games, as once did it with Sochi. Plus, we even have the prerequisites to host the Summer Games even now.

Most of the finished objects are in Moscow, the project with the "Olympic River" was also invented here. The fact is that almost all stadiums were built near Moskva River, and if the full use of shipbuilding capabilities significantly reduces the load on the roads and transport fans along the river [19659002] in Kazan, although a lot of things will have to be done. It would be symbolic to aim for the Summer Games and Sochi – there is certainly a climate for them. And the sea removes the problem of holding a sailing tournament, which is a huge advantage.

The same goes for St. Petersburg. There, just, the objects ready for the Games are few, and in general the sports infrastructure is just average for a city of this magnitude. The summer Olympics could inject new momentum and make up for the gap. In addition, in terms of tourist attraction, Peter in our country is not very equal.

June 14th. Moscow. Robbie WILLIAMS at the Opening Ceremony of the World Cup at Luzhniki Stadium


If we put aside the dreams of the Summer Olympics, it is obvious that Russia is going soon say goodbye to these volumes. We organized all that was possible, and we can not say that we paid for this small price. There was everything: dazzling beauty stages, clbad organization, brand hospitality. But there was also a [scandale de dopage] that has not yet fallen, and some little used objects in Sochi that, after the Games, have not had the opportunity to bring a cost comparable to costs

. The country where sport was clearly among the priorities of the state. And it was very useful for athletes, officials, organizers. Gradually, attention shifts: costly foreign coaches leave, exotic fees in places like New Zealand give way to our Kislovodsk and Yakutia. Now here are the big tournaments of our departure for an indefinite period.

There is no reason for sadness or regret. So it was supposed to happen, and God forbid, it will eventually come back. Russian sport is returning to the state in which it was in the early 2000s. The industry, which now has to find a way to survive on its own.

Football players will be easier, they are now for many years – the heroes of the nation. Everyone will have to work hard. .

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