The Guardian invited Teresa May to the 2018 World Cup in Russia – Sports Mail.Ru


The British edition of The Guardian reports that Russia sent to British Prime Minister Teresa May another invitation to attend World Cup matches, as well as to give up the boycott. The invitation was sent after the victory of England over Colombia yesterday (1: 1, pen 4: 3).


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This information was refused on the official website of the Russian Embbady in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Russia has not invited Teresa May again.

– Individual invitations to British politicians for the World Cup have not been sent and, therefore, have not responded, the Embbady said in a statement. – As you know, the decision not to attend the tournament at the official level came from London. In addition, Britain has called for boycotting competitions, the press has drawn gloomy pictures of Russia's preparations for the tournament. The championship is a sporting event for the whole world. Unlike the material of The Guardian, we do not "seduce" anyone, but we are happy to give everyone the opportunity to support their team. This is true for the representatives of Great Britain. If kingdom officials still want to come, they will be accepted with the same hospitality as the players of the English national team and their fans.

Britain boycots the 2018 World Cup because of the poisoning incident of former GRU colonel Sergey Skrypal and his daughter Julia, in which the London official accuses Russia.

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