The head of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine denied the reference to the Russian Federation on the resumption of projects in the nuclear sphere


Igor Nasalik, Ukrainian Minister of Energy and Coal, denied the country's address to Russia, which mentioned the need to resume several joint projects with the oil company TVEL in the nuclear [19659002]. the address of Rosatom, in which the Minister said that Ukraine is interested in restoring bilateral cooperation with Moscow in the field of nuclear energy. In particular, in the thawing of the joint construction of a nuclear fuel production plant in the Kirovograd region. In addition, Nasalik proposed to hold a meeting in Brussels to discuss this issue.

"Nasalik denied the existence of a letter previously written by Ekonomicheskaya Pravda for his signature, which speaks of the need to take over a number of projects" Pravda economics writes, noting that the Minister himself called this information a "fake. "

At the same time, the newspaper writes, the country 's energy ministry is considering two options for further steps related to the construction of Ukraine in the" l'; nuclear fuel production plant.The first provides for the termination of the contract with TVEL, previously recognized as the winner of the call for tenders for the selection of technologies for the construction of a nuclear power plant, as well as that "Ukraine's claims on Russia for $ 8.5 million invested in previous years by the Ukrainian side." One million dollars was paid to Russia for the construction project of the "Ukraine." factory, and another $ 2.5 million was paid as prepayment for the factory production line.

Igor Nasalik

Minister of Energy and Energy Ukraine Coal Industry

The second option is to buy back Russian shares did not share in a joint venture by the investor, who was supposed to start building the factory. In 19459012, the press service of the Ministry of Energy reported on Tuesday that in June 2018, the management of China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation was invited to hold tripartite negotiations on the participation of the Chinese side to the factory construction project. , published on the Bureau's website, consultations have been proposed in Brussels for the period from 9 to 12 July. However, if the Ukrainian side agrees, the place and time may change.

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