The inhabitants of the capital received the first recipes for light at a rate of 10% lower


According to residents of Chisinau, the amount to be paid is significantly lower than last month. For the couple, Vatamanyuk, for example, the difference was one hundred lei

"Everything is about electricity.Electroplasts are electric, but we are preparing, we are burning placids.The boiler is still working," he said. said retired Dmitry Vatamanyuk

Monthly, the family consumes 500-600 kilowatts. And the tax for electricity supply reaches thousands of lei.

"And a hundred lei of savings is good, we have every penny in the account," noted resident Dmitry Vatamanyuk.

Mom of two children Alena Gergilash also received a bill for the light.

"We use a lot of electricity, we heat the water on the electric stove, we do not have hot water." The monthly leaves 700-800 lei, and now he is 100 lei less, "said Alina Gergilash, a resident of Chisinau.

The postman Diana Kazak paid this month the light at 20 lei less, but the mother of two children For the year, the economy will be 250 lei.

"Pleased. "On July 1, ANRCE's decision to reduce the electricity tariff for end-users of GAZ Natural Fenosa from 20 bans – to their 79 bans per kilowatt – would be even happier if everything became less expensive". RED Nord end consumers now pay 10% less – 91 bah per kilowatt

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