The introduction of the tax reform was approved by the government


It suggests the introduction of a single tax rate of 12% and a doubling of the personal exemption. He will make 24 thousand lei. And employer payments to the social insurance budget will be reduced.

"For the first time in the history of Moldova, income below the minimum subsistence level will not be taxed.As for economic agents, the government has approved a reduction of social security contributions for employers of 23 to 18 percent, "said Ion Kiku, secretary of state at the Ministry of Finance (19659002). 10 percent. And for taxi drivers receiving less than 10 thousand lei, a fixed fee is introduced – 500 lei per month

"The essence of this package of amendments is a small tax reform that reduces the pressure on This has been said for a year now, and now we have taken the liberty of embodying it all, "the economists of Prime Minister Pavel Filip

are sure that the outcome of the reform will be the income growth of people and the reduction of the underground economy. "

facilitate the withdrawal of wages from the shadow.They will be paid officially, and not in envelopes. </ p> 39, a single rate, in my opinion, will simplify the administration of taxes, "notes the economist Vyacheslav Ionita

. Another project approved by the government should protect entrepreneurs from abuse of power. They will only have the right to intervene when the fact of the violation will be confirmed by the supervisory bodies. The project also sets stricter rules for conducting research.

"The offender will have 30 days to repair the damage to the state. In addition, he pays a double penalty and is exempt from any criminal liability. But this is only in case of first violation. In the case of a second procedure, the procedure will be different, "said Minister of Economy and Infrastructure Kirill Gaburich

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