The leaders among the foreigners to attend World Cup matches in Russia were the United States, Germany and Brazil


MOSCOW, July 18th. / TASS /. The Germans, Americans and Brazilians have become leaders in the number of tickets purchased for Russia's World Cup matches among foreigners. Olga Golodets at a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with members of the Government


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"Leaders in the purchase of tickets from foreigners are citizens of the United States, Brazil and Germany," she noted. According to Deputy Prime Minister World Cup matches were attended by 25 presidents of different states, seven members of royal families and 11 heads of government, 7.7 million people visited areas of fans. records in different spheres, – noted the famine. – The championship matches were visited by 3 million 31 000 768 people. "In all matches, the attendance was very high, it reached almost 100% – 99.8% and 99.9%," added the Deputy Prime Minister According to her, 806 thousand foreigners received a Pbadport fan before the 2018 World Cup, and the entire country was visited by about 3 million foreign fans.The hunger noted positive responses from fans about what they saw in Russia. millions of positive messages [в соцсетях] changed the idea of ​​Russia and formed the image of an open, technological and hospitable country, "she said.

According to the vice -prime minister 269 new objects 64 of them are supposed to be transferred for the development of children's football.

The Hungry also asked Putin to extend the principle of Fan ID system to of other mbad events in Russia.In particular, she mentioned the Tchaikovsky Music Competition and the Universiade 2019.

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