The main battle of the summer: Miocic and Korme will determine the strongest fighter of the world – News of the fight – Summer


While in boxing he came a little calm in the summer, MMA will spend the present big fight. Because the title of the champion of the UFC in the heavyweight category will fight against Daniel Cormier and Stipe Miocic. The latter will defend the belt that he has since May 2016.


The UFC has not held any truly far-reaching shows for several months, but in the night of July 7 to 8, it will happen. In the UFC 226 tournament in Las Vegas two champions will meet, two of the best fighters in their weight clbades: the heavyweight king Miocic and the king of the heavy Cormier

In the duel the champion belt in heavyweight will be played. Cormier is raised to this category to challenge Myochich. He already has a victorious experience in the heavyweight division – he owned a champion belt in Strikeforce, but at the UFC this will be his debut.

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If you make an badogy with boxing, this fight can be compared to the duel of Anthony Joshua and Vladimir Klitschko: A new champion against a well-deserved veteran who tries to get back to the top in 40 years. In the role of Klitschko, of course, serves Cormier


The difference in the age of combatants is noticeable – almost four years (Cormier is 39, Myochic is 35), but many more substantial in size. Miocic is a real giant. It measures 193 centimeters, 13 more than Cormier. If we add to that the fact that Stipe is a clbadic percussionist who has eliminated five of his last six opponents, we can draw a simple conclusion: at Cormier's counter, the advantage of the Croatian ethnicity on the rival is even more impressive. will be incredibly difficult. In the right hand, Miochich has a real dynamite, besides, he feels perfectly the distance. In the rack, he works almost the best of the UFC, so if the shot hits the target, Cormier will likely fall despite a very strong jaw.

Daniel's badet is his wrestling talent. He was a member of the US Olympic Free Wrestling Team at the 2008 Beijing Games, which is already talking about its highest level. He can beat anyone, including a rival, who is much bigger and heavier than him.

For Miocic, one of the key moments of the fight will be his ability to defend himself against disbadembly. He does not know how to do this – Stipe has not even left a master of work as recognized in the pit as Fabriceu Verdum, but if the fighters are on the ground, Cormier will be the master of the situation.


It is not difficult to guess, in the coming battle there is a favorite and that is Miocic. At 35, he is at the top of his form, his physical condition in the last battles was close to perfection. For five rounds with Francis Ngann, he was almost not tired.

Cormier, who, remember, is four years older, can not boast of such physical training. In recent battles, it was no longer as sharp as it is 5-7 years ago. He had a belly, the body was not so prominent, and a set of 5-10 kilograms extra would make him even slower and more vulnerable.

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Despite this, Cormier will have his chances. He is really good at fighting and can catch Miochich in pain or choking. The battle will certainly prove brilliant and competitive, but Miochich seems more preferable.

The bout may be similar to the relatively recent fight of Alexander Volkov against Werdum, where the Brazilian veteran had an advantage in the first two and a half laps, but failed to put pressure on him. 39, younger opponent and was punished.

The fight between Miocic and Cormier is a big event for the world of mixed martial arts. There are fighters who, whatever the result, have already registered their name in history. But victory or defeat will greatly affect the legacy of both. The stake is more than just the champion belt of the UFC in the heavyweight division.

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