The new decision on the case of the happiness of Khabarovsk will be pronounced at the end of July


Yesterday, July 24, the Far East Federal District Arbitration Court held a regular meeting on the "Happiness" of the "frozen" commercial complex of Khabarovsk in Serysheva Street. The judge listened to the positions of the parties and declared a pause. His decision, he will announce next week, July 31. This was reported to the correspondent of the portal "Guberniya" in the legal department of the development company.

"Yesterday, the third instance court on the cbadation appeal of the regional UFSIN took place.Our opponents insist that our object is an unauthorized structure, which we must demolish at "We, in turn, continue to defend our interests.The DFO Court of Arbitration will make its final decision next Tuesday," said the head of the legal department of LLC Investment Program Management.

The representative of the IPU pointed out that one or the other party could appeal the decision to the Supreme Court. the construction of "Happiness" in front of the SIZO n ° 1 has been ongoing since 2015. The Service for the Execution of Punishments requires the recognition of the shopping center by self-construction. In February 2018, the Court of Arbitration ordered the developer – LLC "UIP" – to demolish a nearly completed building at its own expense. The developer appealed this decision and won the process. The administration of the FSIN did not surrender and decided to continue the dispute already before the district court.

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