The political situation did not prevent the friendly communication of Russians and English at the World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


SAINT PETERSBURG, July 14th. / TASS /. Political differences between Russia and Britain did not affect the communication of Russian citizens and English during the World Cup. About this at the press conference England's head coach Gareth Southgate said:


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On Saturday, the Belgian national team defeated the England team with a score of 2: 0 in the match for third place in the World Cup. The meeting took place in in St. Petersburg

"Everything in Russia was organized at the highest level, all conditions were created for us, volunteers and fans warmly welcomed us to each of the Russian cities. We talked a lot about relations between countries, but personally, when we contacted the Russians, everything was excellent, "said Southgate.

"The same opinion and the English fans, the best experience could not be, we want to thank you for that," he added

. The Belgian team won the world championship medals for the first time. The British became world champions in 1966.

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Left the game
Started the game
Yellow card
Red card
Second yellow card
Team captain
The objective of the penalty spot
The penalty not realized
Shot of the penalty: penalty realized
Series of penalties: penalty not realized

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