The RAF award for the performance of the Russian national team at the 2018 World Cup rose to $ 16 million


The International Football Federation (FIFA) will award the Russian Football Union (RFU) a prize of $ 16 million for the performance of the Russian national team at the 2018 World Cup. 19659002] "Desc:" The International Football Federation (FIFA) will pay to the Russian Football Union (19459006 RFU ) a prize of 16 million l "# 39; Russian national team at the 2018 World Cup. n ', & # 39; rbSlot & # 39;: & # 39; www_sport_express_ru & # 39;, & # 39; Original: & # 39; //||1024×667 #, & # 39; PhotoUrl & # 39;: & # 39; / football2018 / news / 34032179 / gallery / 5960122 /, & # 39; Title & # 39;: & # 39; Photos to material & # 39; The price for the performance of the Russian national team at the 2018 World Cup was 16 million dollars "

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The Russian team reached the quarterfinals of the world championships, where it lost to Croatia on Saturday in Sochi (2: 2, 3: 4).

Prize for the national badociations whose teams took part in the last stage of the World Cup -2018, FIFA distributes according to the following scheme:

the winner – 38 million dollars;

second place – 28 million;

third place – 24 million.

fourth place – 22 million. 19659007] 5th – 8th places – 16 million (in total – 64 million),

9th – 16th place – 12 million (in total – 96 billion)

17th – 32nd places – 8 million (altogether – 128 million ).

The total prize money for the World Championship is $ 400 million. In addition, the clubs whose players were included in the entries participating teams will receive $ 209 million, another $ 134 million is an insurance fund, plus $ 48 million distributed among national badociations for Team Preparation for

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Entered the match
Yellow card
Red card
Second yellow card
Team captain
] Penalty goal
Penalty not realized
Shot in Penalty: Penalty Created
Penalty: Penalty not completed

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