The surprises of the 2018 World Cup have been more negative than positive – Sport Mail.Ru


Manchester United head coach José Mourinho spoke about the main surprises of the 2018 World Cup, which is taking place in Russia.

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"I would say that the surprises of this World Cup were rather negative than positive.Yes, I did not expect Croatia to qualify for the semi-finals, but she knew that it was a good thing. they had a solid team, did you think to see France, Belgium and England in the semifinal? In in general, yes, there was not a big surprise here But everyone was expecting more from other big teams.

The Argentines can say that they have at least lost against the French, and not for anyone. a at the moment.Brazilians can say that they have lost not only Belgium, but the golden generation, the best players in this country for 25 years.But Spain, the only one in the world. Germany, Portugal … In hindsight, these teams are probably wondering why they left so early, "Mourinho told RT in an interview. iew

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