The Tashkent city Hokim approves the project to create free Wi-Fi in the metro


"On Saturday, the presentation of the projects of Acting Governor Jakhongir Artykhodzhaev is held in Tashkent Hokimiyat.From 11:00 to 15:00, he inspected plans for more than 100 business and business projects. investment from 11 districts of Tashkent, including projects that have been appraised by the Public Council Hokim invited the company to meet regularly, develop parks, develop PPPs.He presented several masterplans, including the project of Fargo Yuli, proposing to work and build within concepts, avoiding chance, "notes the page of the Public Council under the administration of capital on Facebook

. # 39; a network of hotels Best Western, Wi-fi in the subway, creating a boardwalk, etc.

Recall that the country's leading mobile operator Beeline repeatedly said project.

"This project has been discussed three times, we are ready to start deploying the network at any time. While the subway station has no active interest. Communication in the metro is a common phenomenon in most countries, I'm sure we'll get there sooner or later, "said Sergei Tcherepnin, the company's chief financial officer, in an interview with

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