The Volgograd region will cooperate with the FAS in the implementation of the competition development plan


In Volgograd with reporters met the Deputy Head of FAS Russia Andrey Tsyganov and the head of the FVO Roman Roman Lucnikov. Experts see the improvement of the sphere of public procurement through training of staff, focusing on municipalities. In addition, experts noted the need to build a common tariff regulation algorithm in all subjects of the country. Service officials informed reporters of ongoing work to restore order in the market for ritual services. The main theme of the meeting was the implementation of the national plan for the development of competition in Russia for 2018-2020 on the territory of the Volgograd region

Andrey Tsyganov, Deputy Director of the Federal Antimonopoly Service: "We have learned to identify auction collusion in the Russian Federation, immediately identify problematic areas, and we are willing to share our experience with tariff regulation, because some of the powers belong to the federal level, it is the FAS that is engaged in this area, and some of the tariffs are regulated at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.And if there are serious divergences, even of a methodological order, there can be no single tariff policy understandable for entrepreneurs, for citizens, when you understand what you are paying for. "

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