The Voronezh region will receive 1.4 billion to solve the problem of nursing


In Obldum calculated that since the beginning of this year, the inhabitants of the region about one and a half thousand times appealed to the representatives of the people with a request to solve the most urgent problems. In most cases, people in Voronezh were concerned about the problems of public services and the provision of public services. Second were social issues: the solution of housing and land problems. But the number of pending complaints in kindergartens has dropped significantly after parliamentarians have been brought to address this issue

– separate statements concern the transfer of children to other preschool institutions in relation with personal circumstances. – According to forecasts, there will be no recourse regarding the organization of infants in pre-schools in the near future, because this year our region benefited from the largest inter-budgetary transfer for the creation of groups of childcare. To this end, the Voronezh region will devote 1.4 billion rubles

. Thanks to the amendments adopted by the Duma, an inter-budgetary transfer of 652 million rubles will be allocated to create additional places in pre-schools. To co-finance the regional treasury program will allocate more than 115 million dollars. In addition, an additional 80 million rubles have been approved

– In total, in the region of Voronezh, about four thousand additional places are planned in pre-school institutions, of which 2,550 are nurseries, noted in the Regional Duma

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