There are calls from everywhere. Of Guadeloupe, Guatemala – Sports Mail.Ru


The head coach of the Russian national team Stanislav Cherchesov pointed out that he was congratulated for his successful performance at the 2018 World Cup, even coming from Guadeloupe and Guatemala .

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The team lost Croatia on Saturday (2: 2, 3: 4 in the pen.) In the quarterfinals of the tournament.

– We wanted to beat the Croats. We managed to impose a fight, showing the character, "said Cherchesov in an interview to the press service of the RFU – They knew that there would be a difficult match with good team, stuffed with good players.They knew that we would never surrender, but in a few lucky moments diverted us

As for the entire championship, this It is not for nothing that we are celebrated There are calls from everywhere, messages sms arrive From Guadeloupe, Guatemala … All celebrate the team.

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