There are fewer houses in Lower Udinsky and Katangsky districts of Irkutsk region


The press service of Irkutskstate reported on July 10, 2018 was clarified during the preparation of the pilot census to be held in October

The first phase of preparation was completed in pilot territories with the help of 37 registration offices. 1234 houses were excluded from the preliminary lists in Nizhneudinsky district and 795 new ones were added, respectively Katangsky – 103 and 51.

The exact number of objects of the next census is known in these territories: in the district from Nizhneudinsk in October, census workers will bypbad 17,445 houses. in the north of Katangsky District – 1529. Thus, during the census, the quality of the recordings will be ensured. The information obtained is also needed to determine the burden of scribes and the needs of temporary workers. The number and location of census and enumeration areas are also calculated on the basis of these data.

The registration offices also checked the availability of house registration plates and road signs. Almost everywhere we note the absence of such indicators in rural settlements. This makes it difficult to find the right address, which complicates the task of registrars and copyists.

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