This act can be interpreted as a direct provocation – Sports Mail.Ru


The Croatian media delicately condemn Vida and Vukojević, and also worry about the fate of Olic


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At the center of Croatian media attention in recent days, there has been a scandal involving Sidi and Vukojević. A short video of the locker room after the quarterfinal match, in which the player and the coach shout "Glory to Ukraine", was the reason for a new trial of FIFA. According to his findings, Vida was fined, but Vukoevich was less fortunate – he was forced to leave the location of the team after Nikola Kalinich. Judging by the mood of the Croatian press, the team still drew easily.

"We do not need it: Vida and Vukojević arranged an unseemly holiday" – an article in the Sportarena edition appeared with such a title. "Jake and Shakiri were lucky after their political actions against the Serbs during the celebration, will FIFA be so nice to Croatia, and after the holidays we can face real problems." Relations between Russians and Ukrainians are not very good at the moment, and this action can be interpreted as a direct provocation. "

After a rather mild FIFA decision, the conflict is not exhausted. "Will Ivica Olic be punished now"? – this number is given to the publication. "Vrago Vida and Ognjen Vukojević, with their" holidays disputed "on the occasion of the victory over Russia, have shaken up the political and national waters, which led to a difficult situation, but there was a Another video that could only strengthen.Olic was not on video for a long time, he said a few words and nothing, for which he can be accused.But you can not get rid of the impression that officials are not sure. 39, will not worry when they will receive this video. "

The portal mainly complains of the unreasonableness of the coach Vukojević

" Russia and Ukraine are in a hidden conflict.The act, of course, is seen in the spotlight, but none of the participants in the video thought of that.As a coach, Vukojevic was supposed to be a "dam "he had to warn his player, how could he not do that …"

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Leaving the game
Started the game
Yellow card
Red card
Second yellow card
Team captain
Own goal
Goal of the penalty spot
Penalty not realized
Penalty Shot: Penalty achieved
Penalty series: penalty not completed

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