This man drowns Croatian football – Sports Mail.Ru



A year ago, they shot him. Zdravko Mamich arrived in the small Bosnian town of Zidin near Tomislavgrad to visit the tomb of his father Josip. As soon as he got out of the car at the cemetery, someone shot him in the foot. It was an attempt, but not a life. If Mamich wanted to kill, they would shoot in another part of the body.

Who hired a sniper remains a mystery. The enemies of the odious Croatian are numerous at all levels: from the usual fans of Zagreb Dynamo to the former Minister of Sport, Science and Education, which he has insulted on the radio

Mamich was born in 1959 into the Bosnian Croat family. Shortly before Zdravko's birth, his parents left Bosnia to travel to the city of Belovar, Croatia (both part of Yugoslavia), in search of a better share. But here too it was difficult for the Mamichi family, so in the 1970s Josip went to work in Germany, and her three sons Stoyan, Zdravko and Zoran (from eldest to youngest) went to Zagreb . In the main city of the republic, the average brother contacted a bad company. Zdravko has joined BadBlueBoys' "Dynamo" group – one of the fiercest fan-building coalitions in Europe.

But Mamich, unlike ordinary hooligans, had overestimated his ambitions, he finally imposed himself in the club. In 1980, Mamich began to have considerable weight in the fans' environment and met the coach of Dynamo Miroslav Blazevichem (in 1998 this man will lead Croatia to the Bronze World Cup), thanks to which he obtained a job in the club. the father of the child Blazevic

Mamich has climbed the career ladder for a long time, but stubbornly. At first, he was engaged in small paper jobs, and at the beginning of the Zero Roads to a senior position in the Dynamo. 2003 and should be considered a formal birth of the Mamich monster. Zdravko was then 44 years old, and he already had a serious influence on Croatian football because of innumerable agency relations

Mamich had a curious post-executive vice president . Formally, he was not at the head of the "Dynamo", but during zero picked up the club for himself. Mamich appointed various people to various posts and, in the end, turned Dynamo into his own commercial project . If before the 2000s the fans who had the right to vote played an important role in the club, now the partners of Mamich began to solve everything in Dinamo. NEWS: Dinamo boss Zdravko Mamić, the biggest boss of the football mafia in the Balkans, is sentenced to 6 years and 6 months in prison for stealing money from Dinamo. Zagreb! But yesterday, the day before the conviction, he fled to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– HooligansTV (@ HooligansTV1) June 6, 2018


But what about the fans? No one would have noticed what Mamich was doing, though he had not committed large sums in his business. And just for the sake of this Zdravko and started all this mnogochhodovochku. "Dynamo" – one of the strongest clubs of the Balkan Peninsula. Prosinechki, Shimich, Kranjcar, Eduardo da Silva, Čorluka, Kovacic and, of course, Modric are just a small part of the players who have played in Dynamo's youth and main teams. Many other well – known players have now started their adult careers at the Zagreb club

and with the most talented Mamich made furious contracts, and then tried to sell them for sale. crazy money. One of the most famous examples is Eduardo da Silva. The Brazilian was found in Croatia at the age of 15, and his huge potential became very clear. In 2001, Mamich signed a contract with the Brazilian of 18 years, according to which the football player is obliged to transfer 20% of his income to the official. At the same time, the contract stipulated that if the obligations are not fulfilled, the court will have the right to withdraw the property of the Brazilian.

In 2011, Eduardo won the Ukrainian championship with Shakhtar, after which his bank accounts were frozen and the Zagreb house arrested bailiffs. Edward was shocked: he said that Mamich took advantage of his ignorance of the Brazilian language and entered his points in agreement. Of course, South America itself could have guessed that such important things had to be taken seriously, but it still won : three years later, the court declared the contract void [19659013] ILLEGAL TREATMENT

It is nonsense. For the world, Mamicha glorified the case of Modrica. In 2008, incredibly talented midfielder Dynamo moved to Tottenham for 21 million euros. At that time, this amount was impressive, but the 22-year-old midfielder was well worth it.

In 2017, when Mamich became advisor to Dynamo's president, a layer of giant corruption was discovered in Croatia. The official was accused of embezzling more than 15 million euros and tax evasion for an amount of 1.5 million euros. It is important to point out here that Mamich has been accused of tax evasion more than once, but he has always managed to escape the sanctions. And the embezzlement of such important funds is already serious.

"I believe Dynamo has received 21 or 23 million euros for my transfer to Tottenham," Modric said a year ago in court. "Some of this money has been paid in. Mamich suggested that I divide this amount in half and, in accordance with this agreement, I gave him the money. money from the bank and gave it to my brother and Mamich's son. "

As you understand, Modric took and handed over the former head of Dynamo, and even went to work. is established – admitted that he was involved in financial fraud. The fans were delighted because now the real threat of jail was leaning over Mamich – in parallel, it was revealed that when Lovran was transferred to Lyon in 2010, Mamich did the same.

But Modric was no longer so talkative. The midfielder answered all the questions "I do not remember" and refused to confirm what had been said earlier. Due to this footballer could already go to jail for giving false testimony, and the public realized that Modric had met Mamich. Perhaps, he promised the Real Madrid midfielder's protection from any penalty.


At the same time in Croatia there was a big event. On a sunny day, Mamich stood on the embankment near his yacht and was arguing with someone, perhaps another round of the corruption plan. At that moment, a young man ran to Zdravko and threw him in the water.

It turned out that he was a fan of "Hajduk" – enemy of the Zagreb Dynamo club. The fan was caught, but not planted – formally he did not beat Mamich, but only pushed, as well as a penalty was issued. The friends of the fan of the main group "Hajduk" "Torsida" have launched a fundraiser. But it was not just a boring gathering with repots in social networks, but a whole show!

A competition was held on the Split seafront. Above the water hung a bad-shop doll on which they stuck a picture with Mamich's face, and everyone could drop it. Naturally, after all the doll fell into the water, but for this one had to pay 10 kuna (about one and a half euros). And the competition consisted in that each shot and the fall of the doll were awarded points for technique and art. The three winners of this contest received a promotional code for a pizzeria owned by Mamich, a set of vitamins to improve brain function and a complete tax return. So graciously fans of Hajduk ridiculed the official


Yes, in Croatia, Mamich is even hated by the fans of the two clubs in conflict. All because the businessman many years ago, his hands have reached all the football federation of Croatia. He squandered the decision that all matches in the national championship should take place without guest fans. But the Croatian fans also washed Mamicha – newcomers to the fans were selling tickets for the stands at no additional cost. After a season, the decision of the federation was canceled

Well, in Zagreb, Zdravko has long since become a persona non grata. He is considered not only as an intriguer, but also as a clown. Here are some reasons:

1) In 2007, Dynamo beat Ajax in the UEFA Cup, and Mamich took off his pants directly at Amsterdam airport, began to sing, dance and snatched his shirt off his chest.

2) In the middle of the zero he guessed organizing a friendly match with the OFC of Belgrade.

3) Three years ago, I fought on the podium with Croatian football legend Ivo Bego, 77, caught by the bads. 4) In early August 2010, Mamich fired coach Velimir Zayets while he was sailing on a cruise ship in the Adriatic Sea. Zaets was appointed to this post at the end of May 2010, he gathered a match around Mandzhukich during the training camps, but in mid-July, the attacker was sold to Wolfsburg, and the Dynamo is crushed. Mamich decided that the coach was to blame for this.

5) During the time that Mamich worked as Executive Vice President (2003-2016), more than 20 coaches were replaced at Dynamo. We know that Zdravko himself told the coaches how to lead the team and who to place in the team.


In 2016, the real threat of Mamich began to be increased, so he formally withdrew from the "Dynamo" advisor to the club president. But it was not easier for him. In Croatia, took seriously Mamich, and even the strange testimony of Modric did not slow down the progress of the case against the official. Unless they blacken Luka himself, in Croatia they stained the wall with the image of the midfielder.

A month ago at Mamich finally reached. He was sentenced to six and a half years for financial fraud on transfers Modric and Lovren, and with him to escape payment of taxes to prison sentences sentenced ex-director "Dynamo" Damir Vrbanovich (3 years ), accountant of Milan Pernar (4 years and 2 months) and Zoran Mamich, brother of Zdravko, worked as a coach and scout (4 years 11 months).

But the main accused was warned by of his many ruling friends – literally The day before the conviction Mamich left for Bosnia and can not be a tradirovan e, because he has the nationality of this country. But Croatian fans are always happy: local football is getting cleaner.

Now, however, the fate of Davor Shuker and other formal leaders of the Croatian Football Union is not clear. The country is sure that all football officials are Mamich puppets. Therefore, Croatia does not develop a league, clubs are constantly losing in the European competition, and the infrastructure is in decline. "Checkers" only succeed in major tournaments thanks to the talent of the players. If there is a precise sports management in the country, Croatia will be set at the top of world football. The main thing is that the second Mamich does not appear in the country.

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