Thousands of Primorye Residents Resettled in Emergency Housing


Source: DATE

According to the acting head of the Regional Department of Urban Development Evgeny Dobrynin, from 2013 to 2017 in Primorye planned to reinstall 3385 emergency houses with a total area of ​​137, 1 thousand square meters. m, where there were 7734 people. Of these, on July 1, 2018, 7411 residents of Primorye were able to obtain new housing. They received 3,224 dwellings with a total area of ​​more than 130,000 square meters. Thus, 323 people from 161 apartments were left to solve the housing problem, which were recognized as urgent on January 1, 2012.

Residents of four municipalities in the region have problems resettling the fund. Emergency: Posetsky, Khasansky, Nakhodkinsky and Smolyaninovsky urban settlements. With the exception of the last municipal entity, the main reason for the delay in the implementation of the sub-program in these settlements is related to the bankruptcy of the entrepreneurial society "Far Eastern Consulting ", who worked on the construction of houses. apartments In April, at a general meeting of creditors, it was decided to transfer these outstanding construction objects into the bankruptcy of the developer and to transfer them to the municipality. On 18 July, the Arbitral Tribunal ruled in favor of the settlement. After its entry into force, we will start building the facilities, "said Evgeni Dobrynin to deputies. By the time the entrepreneur was declared bankrupt, their readiness was above 85%.

The construction of 69 residential buildings has not been completed in the village of Hasan. The construction of two buildings along Vokzalnaya Street was carried out by Far Eastern Consulting's subsidiary. In the middle of last year, the readiness of one of them reached 98%, the second – 50%. In May this year, between the administration of the Khasan urban settlement and the developer, an agreement was reached on the transfer of land to the municipal entity and two unfinished building objects. This will complete all the necessary work and transfer housing to program participants by April 2019.

In Nakhodka, according to the Resettlement Program for Emergency Citizens, "Far Eastern Consulting" was to build five houses. However, none of them has been put into use until now. In this regard, the municipality decided to buy housing on the secondary market or refund the cash value to the owners of premises. Thus, last year, according to the results of the auctions, 73 apartments were purchased and 60 seized homes were purchased in emergency homes.

Currently, 36 apartments remain in Nakhodka and the number of people to be resettled will decline rapidly. Already 28 premises have been purchased, the procedure of registration and transfer to citizens is ongoing. As Evgeni Dobrynin noted, the difficulties remain with the purchase of eight apartments of an area of ​​16 to 18 square meters because there is virtually no such premises on the housing market. Nevertheless, he promised that in the near future, the problem will be solved

Also, do not wait for the housewarming program of the village of Smolyaninovo, for which 34 residential buildings have already been built. Permission to put into operation an apartment building was issued this spring, at the same time as documents were sent to the cadastral chamber for the registration of the municipal entity in its possession. But because of technical delay, coupled with the need for local governments to obtain an electronic digital signature, it was not possible to quickly implement this procedure. The municipality plans to address the problem of relocation of the emergency fund until August 1 of the current year.

During the implementation of the second phase of the program, 589 multi-family dwellings and 107 houses with a total area greater than 197 will be relocated to 11 urban districts and 14 municipal districts. thousand square meters. m, which were deemed urgent after January 1, 2012. According to preliminary data, Primorye will need at least 9 billion rubles for this purpose.

Sergei Ishchenko, Chairman of the Committee for Economic Policy and Property, said: "Without financial support from the federal budget, we simply do not have the 9 billion rubles needed. of course, our committee supports the administration of the region in obtaining co-financing of the federal budget. "

Dmitry Sannikov.

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