Transactions with flats in dilapidated houses may be exempted from notary fees


MOSCOW, July 27 – RIA Novosti. The Duma adopted in first reading a bill exempting all citizens from the mandatory notarization obligation of all types of transactions involving the alienation of apartments in an emergency house and demolished

. , located in such a house. In addition, this privilege is granted only to minors and persons with limited legal capacity who own an apartment in such a house and to citizens who have communal dwellings with these persons.

The bill introduced by the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region extends this privilege, in the first place, to all individuals who own real estate located in a house of urgency and demolished, and on the other hand for all types of their transactions for its alienation in t

This will allow all categories of citizens not to pay an obligation State for mandatory notary certification of the transaction, not only when selling an apartment, but also, for example, with his gift or exchange.

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