Tunnel or pillars 60 meters: the authorities told us what could be the bridge over Kaliningrad Bay


As Minister of Infrastructure Development Yelena Diatlova plans to log on after the government's operational meeting on Friday, July 13.

– We can not define today what should be the bridge because it is a very complex object. It can be in at least three configurations. For example, a bridge with supports over 60 meters. We have the Kaliningrad navigable cbad, two Krusenstern and Sedov sailboats are badigned to our port, which should pbad under the supports of the bridge. This is the first option. The second – a flight on the Kaliningrad Cbad can be a draw. The third option is that it can be usually in the tunnel run, "said Dyatlova

Each of the approaches has its risks and benefits, therefore, specialists calculate the safety criteria, reliability and cost of labor. When the study is ready, the government will order a bridge project

– I can not yet answer the question of how the vehicle will behave at a height of 60 meters with the west wind . If the calculations show that it will simply be demolished, then you have to give up the high brackets and look at another option. In this case, we work on the issue with the harbor master and make a fly-out. It is necessary to understand how many hours a day this bridge should be divorced taking into account the reverse movement of ships along the cbad. If it turns out that 20 hours a day, then this option does not suit us either, "said the Minister of Infrastructure Development

Elena Dyatlova pointed out that it is impossible to build this object for regional money. necessity in Moscow

These are financial investments too important for us to make a decision without calculations. We have to prove that we will have a traffic flow, what kind of freight will be transported, what effect we will get if we remove freight traffic from Kaliningrad. We must make such calculations to obtain federal funding or admit that this bridge structure can not yet be achieved, concluded the official.

In June, regional authorities commissioned a technical and financial model of the bridge crossing the Kaliningrad Gulf. from the Kosmodemyansky microdistrict to the highway. The research will be developed by the Institute for Research and Territorial Development and Transportation Infrastructure LLC. The company will receive 14.25 million rubles. The duration of the contract is six months

The bridge that crosses the Kaliningrad Bay will allow us to complete the circular route. The length of the Kosmodemyansky viaduct to the highway will be about seven kilometers. In 2016, the authorities expressed their intention to build a bridge by 2022.

The regional government tried to find an investor for this purpose. The road was scheduled to be paid. In December 2017, Governor Anton Alikhanov said that the completion of the Primorsky Ring could be a "wonderful opportunity" for the region and suggested "feasibility study archives on the bridge crossing the Kaliningrad Gulf. "

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