Two players from the Croatian national team have appealed to the hospital after the match against Russia


Moscow. July 8th. INTERFAX.RU – Two football players of the Croatian national team after a fierce match in the quarterfinals against the Russian national team at the 2018 World Cup have requested badistance medical center of one of the capital's hospitals. he will be examined at Botkin hospital, "he said.

At the same time, he stressed that there were no serious injuries among the Croats." They found bruises, it is prescribed to do an MRI to ensure that there is no serious injury, "notes an interlocutor Interfax

Another source of the agency notes that it is Croatian national team players Mario Strziche and Ivan Striniche.His words, the players of the Croatian national team will receive all the necessary badistance in the line Moscow doctors

Croatia beat Russia in a series of post-match penalties and will play with England in the ½ world championship e Ctrl + Entry

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