Two streets in the center of Yekaterinburg are preparing for repair


The municipality of Yekaterinburg will spend more than 49 million rubles of the municipal budget to put two streets in order in the center of the city and one in the Pionersky microdistrict. The company "Uraldorstroy" will execute the contract, informs the portal of state markets.

The speech in this case concerns Dobrolyubov Street and the adjacent section of Radishchev Street (on the street on March 8). In this area are the residence of the presidential envoy in the Ural Federal District and the museum Ernst Neizvestny. The builder will establish a closure plan (or restriction of traffic) of these streets, cut the surface layer of pavement asphalt, remove the flaking formed at the base of the regional DEU, will lay a new concrete bituminous. cover, replace the coping, the sewer hatches and the rainwater wells.

In addition, the specification provides for the construction of lawns on shady sides adjacent to the home repair area. Lawns should be planted with varieties of plants that like shade, and in case of death during planting – compensate for losses due to own funds. The entire work should be completed by December 25, 2018.

It should be recalled that this year in Yekaterinburg 41 sites of road construction on a total area of ​​870 thousand square meters are being repaired . in particular, to put in order the streets of Umeltsev, Palmiro Tolyatti, Vysotsky, Cherepanov, Limit, Selkorovskaya, Titova (from March 8 to Selkorovskaya), Reactive, Traktovuyu (from house No. 10 to Reactive Street), and " updated "house number 47 at the highway along the Siberian road), pros As previously reported by Uralinformbureau, 1.42 billion rubles were allocated to this work.

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