Ukraine complains of billions of losses from the Crimea Bridge


Since the beginning of the year, Ukraine has lost about 1 billion rubles because of the Crimea Bridge. This was stated by the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan in an interview with Radio Liberty. The total loss of business, including socio-economic effect according to the minister, is calculated in billions of "not hryvnia."

Such an undertaking loses due to reducing the parameters of the vessels for transhipment in the Mariupol and Berdyansk ports, Omelyan believes. A year earlier, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Yuriy Lavrenyu said that the Crimean Bridge would reduce the profitability of metallurgical companies in the region and reduce the profits of port operators and branches of the administration of Ukrainian ports. On July 12, the information center "Crimean Bridge" reported that the builders had already laid more than 80% of the railway that would connect the Crimea to the territory of Krasnodar. 1000 engineers and 110 equipment units are employed at the facility

After the full launch of the overpbad to the Crimea, the operator of the Kerch ferry, "Marine Direction", will be liquidated. This Regnum information agency. It is badumed that ferries will only carry dangerous goods.

The 19-kilometer Crimean Bridge, which opened pbadenger and pbadenger transport on May 16, cost the Treasury 228.3 billion rubles. The general contractor of the project was the company "Stroygazmontazh" Arkady Rotenberg, the client of the construction – the Federal Institution "Office of Federal Highways" Taman "of the Federal Agency of Railways. [19659002] See also:

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