Ural companies will be able to enter foreign markets using a simplified regime


The first vice-governor of the region Alexey Orlov and the president of the Ural Bank of Sberbank Vladimir Cherkashin signed the document. This is a free platform "Bank of Business Partners", created by Sberbank. It is the first open digital market for participants in foreign economic activity.

"This agreement shows that the interaction of government agencies with financial institutions is improving and the public-private partnership for the benefit of our Ural companies is developing The Sverdlovsk region is an export-oriented region, it is often difficult for a small business to find a foreign counterpart, and I am sure that thanks to the free platform, we will get a practical result from our interaction. To enter a new level of cooperation, to support our exporters, "says the message quoted by Alexei Orlov.

According to him, the new digital platform of Sberbank will facilitate the entry of the Ural on the international market. On the economy of the whole region.

According to Cherkashin, Sberbank is working hard to create an ecosystem of services for entrepreneurs. "Like almost any company face sooner or later the question of entering foreign markets, we have launched a unique service" Bank of Business Partners ", – the citations of the Department of Cherkashin

The authorities specify that the platform is the first open and free platform to seek new counterparts, suppliers and buyers worldwide.It is reported that the resource, launched at the end of last year, has already proved its relevance. Today, the system has registered more than 12,000 users from 103 countries, including Russia, China, the United States, India, Australia and the United Kingdom.The number total bids placed at this time exceeds 7,000.

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