Uzbekistan plans to export 20,000 tons of cherries to China in 2019


Dilshod Mullaboev, the representative for the coordination of agricultural exports in the framework of the cooperation between Uzbekistan and China, has maintained with the quarantine officers and the Customs Department the results exports and future plans. We recall that on June 4, on the side of the company BigAgrologistics of Uzbekistan, the first export of the cherry was brought to China under the supervision of Dilshod Mullaboev and on June 4, 1945, the customs office of the Republic popular of China. Samples inspectors from the People's Republic of China were sampled for 40 types of laboratory tests of sweet cherries exported.

During the meeting, responses to these laboratory studies were known. The full application of sweet cherry processing to export was fully evaluated on the basis of the agreements in the protocol of each stage of the export preparation and a certificate was issued

. In addition to suggestions have been made to introduce some changes in the export of cherries. For example, change the fumigation process with methyl bromide gas before export. It has been said that cherries processed in this way change rapidly in appearance and deteriorate the quality, so that the proposal to treat the cherries cold, ie to treat them in rooms cold for 15 days, is approved

. biological and biologically pure products of Uzbekistan processing by any chemical means . To this end, the experts examine the process of refrigeration treatment and increase the experience in this field.

Cherry is a complex product for export, and the gradual implementation of the protocol requirements to send it to the global market has become a formidable experience for Uzbekistan. The year of cherry from the United States rises in price, and its long shelf life in cold rooms causes damage. Uzbekistan is growing cherries in fourth place, and I declare myself ready to go to Uzbekistan to obtain a biologically pure product – sweet cherries, which import it into China, "said one of the main importers of sweet cherries, Mr. Zhao

Dilshod Mallabayev that they achieved such results from the early stages of cooperation and that they are pleased with the successful implementation of all the steps of the export process in the PRC. In addition, for two years of cherry export to the People's Republic of China, the method of planting cherries has been modified. The quality of the cherry has multiplied the experiences such as planting a tree away from other plants, maintain a distance of at least 3 meters between trees, implement a new "wine method", introduce the l & # 39; 39, drip irrigation and introduce new pheromone traps. He also noted that in the future, it is worth doing a lot of work on growing cherries, creating new varieties, processing this product because farmers and specialists of transformation increase their experience.

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