Vasiliev: Golovin chooses Monaco to improve conditions – Football News – Football


On Friday, Monaco announced the signing of a contract with CSKA midfielder Moscow Golovin. As reported by the army club, the transfer amount of a 22-year-old football player was a record in the history of the Moscow team. Golovin signed a five-year contract with Monaco

"We are very pleased that Alexander Golovin has joined the" Monaco ".It is a young and talented player who has shown himself well when of the World Cup, for the game we have long watched.It already has the experience of playing both in the Russian championship and in international tournaments.In spite of the competition of the famous football clubs, Alexander chose "Monaco", where for its progress the best conditions have been created, "Vasiliev said.

Last season, Monaco took second place in the championship of France behind Paris Paris. -Zherman. "For this reason, the club is directly qualified for the group stage of the Champions League.

Previously, the Italian and British media reported that CSKA was negotiating the transfer of Golovin with" Chelsea "of London , as well as with the "Juventus" of Turin

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