Viktor Goncharenko: leaving the leaders is not a reason for panic – Premier League News – Football


Source: Sport Express

– When did you receive a proposal to extend the contract with CSKA?

– Even before the end of last season, we discussed the extension of the agreement. And technically it happened Wednesday

– Why is the new agreement designed for two seasons?

– This proposal was followed by the club management. If the coach works well, he stays at the club. If it's bad, then the term of the contract does not matter anymore. (smiling)

– Do not you be afraid that key players will leave the company? ############################################################################## 39; team? Vernblum, Natho, Ignashevich, Musa, Golovin may soon leave, the situation with the Berezutsky is still fuzzy …

– Then I can ask a counter-question. And what should be the ideal situation? When newcomers come to you every year, do you separate from the players you do not like? In football, there are different. Over the years, the same brothers, Ignashevich, Wernbloom have defended the colors of CSKA. Now they are not. Also, what is the opportunity to panic? I do not see any point. Moreover, it is a new challenge, a new team in his own way is unique. Yes, while the final version is not yet visible, but it is interesting for me to work in this club, to create a new team, to achieve results.

Victor GONCHARENKO | Source: Sport-Express

– In 1996, "Spartacus", who became the champion of Russia, was named the pioneer of Georgy Yartsev. Can we say that in the next season we will see a kind of diploma on the ground of the pioneer Viktor Goncharenko?

– I think we will be able to answer this question only at the end of the month of August. 19659014] – What is the task of the tournament in front of you?

– It is saved. Play to win each game. And then we will see what will emerge. In general, if the team occupies the first and second places for 10 years, what can be the task? Earn at each meeting. Everything is natural.

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– I will ask differently. You have already won with CSKA silver in front of "Spartacus" and directly in the Champions League, which is considered an undeniable success. Your next goal of training is the championship?

– We must first be recruited, define the vector of development of the team, then talk about these global things

– What can you answer to skeptics who fear that with such a composition? "Achievement" of "Spartacus" in the Champions League – 1:18?

– I see no reason to react to such things. The game will show everything.

– Do not you worry that your direct competitors do not bear such losses during the off-season?

– Why should we be afraid of difficulties? You have to look at yourself, solve specific problems and not get caught up in what's happening in the competition.

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