Volgograd residents can obtain a biometric passport via the MFC


It works for 10 years, it has 46 pages, which is very convenient for those who often travel abroad. Identification of the owner is also made using fingerprints – all data remain in the memory of the document chip, which is protected against forgery.

This service has already started to be delivered to the MFC in Komsomolskaya Street, 10.

– From now on service for issuing biometric pbadports. In Volgograd, it is provided so far only in the central region. At the reception, anyone wishing to receive a document can be registered on a day that suits him. In the near future, the service will begin to operate in the MFC of the city of Volzhsky (Olomouc, 68) and Kamyshin (7 microdistrict, 26). The period of manufacture of a biometric pbadport is 1 month when submitting documents to the place of registration. When filing documents at the place of residence of the applicant – three months, – said Irina Zmanovskaya, director of the MFC "MFC".

In branches there will be employees of the regional SG of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Citizens can get advice on problems that arise, including those regarding the list of documents needed to obtain the service, as well as the payment of state fees required by the Tax Code: today 3,500 rubles for children under 14 years old.

It should be noted that the information concerning the child is not entered in the biometric pbadport, so it is necessary to issue a separate pbadport for the child. When registering a pbadport, the documents are submitted directly by the parent or guardian. The presence of the child is mandatory.

One of the first to appreciate the quality of service was the Klimenko family. Julia and Alexander are confident that she will certainly be in great demand by locals.

– Today, we decided to apply to the MFC after learning that you can get a new pbadport and be pleasantly surprised by the fast and quality service. You do not need to queue, you need a minimum package of documents. MFC specialists independently complete documents, requests, make photocopies, relieve citizens of this need. What is not unimportant: there is no need to make a new request to the migration service, which saves us time. You can teach a ready pbadport here. We often use the services of the MFC. I must say that the Volgograd region is among the first in Russia, with Moscow, the Astrakhan region and the Primorye territory, where a biometric pbadport can be obtained at the multifunctional center. Due to the close cooperation of the Ombudsman with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Volgograd region, the procedure of issuing a pbadport has been determined.

The design of a pbadport is one of the many services available at MFC. In each of the 49 centers in the region and 238 divisions, you can get more than 250 services in various situations – from the birth of a child to retirement.

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