Vrsalko, Lovren and Subasic missed Croatia's training ahead of the World Cup semi-finals


MOSCOW, July 9th. /ТАСС/. Defenders of the Croatian national team, Shime Vrsalko and Dejan Lovren, as well as main goalkeeper Daniel Subasic miss the team's training before the World Cup semi-final match with the English, reported the correspondent of Tbad

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Vrsalko was replaced in the first half of the quarter-final against the Russian team (2: 2, 4: 3 on penalties). During the meeting, the doctors helped him several times, but he was able to end the match until the end.

Earlier on press conference Croatian striker Mario Mandzhukich said that all players would be ready for the match. "We'll all be ready, it's the World Cup semi-finals, nobody will complain about anything."

The match between the national teams of Croatia and England will take place on July 11 at Luzhniki stadium in Moscow

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