Vryo governor of the Novosibirsk region received 50 million rubles for the elections


The balance of the electoral accounts of the other candidates is more modest. Thus, the Deputy Speaker of the Novosibirsk Region Legislative Assembly Anatoly Kubanov of "Fair Russia" only received here 3 million rubles for the elections. from LLC "Holiday Village."

According to SPARK-Interfax, the company is held on an equal footing by Sofya Andreeva and Olga Petrova, and the position of general manager is occupied by Ivan Litasov. As Taiga.Info notes, they are related to the structures of the group of companies "Nordasia". The leadership of the group includes ex-officials Dmitry Andreev, who worked as deputy mayor of Novosibirsk, director of land relations department and counselor former governor Vladimir Gorodetsky, and Andrei Petrov, who was the head of the finance department In turn, the deputy director of development of the company "Legal Aid Center" Georgy Mikhailov, representing the party "People & # 39; s Alliance", received 2 million rubles for the elections. of LLC Basalt. On the electoral account of the State Duma deputy of the LDPR, Dmitry Saveliev, up to here only 1 rub. There is no information on the balance of the electoral account of the coordinator of the Green Party for the Siberian Federal District Vladimir Kirillov.

The Novosibirsk region governor will hold early elections on polling day – 9 September. Candidates must submit documents for registration, including signatures collected from municipal deputies, by 25 July. Early elections became possible after the resignation in October 2017 of the former head of the region, Vladimir Gorodetsky, who led the region since March 2014. He explained his departure by reaching the age limit for the politician – in early June of this year he turned 70 years old. He now works as badistant to the Siberian presidential envoy, President Sergei Menaylo.

Ilya Galaguz.

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