WBSS Promoter Denies Information According to Usik Can not Go Fight with Gassiyev – Boxing News


Earlier, Ukrainian media referring to the representative of Usik Alexander Krasyuk reported that the battle against Gbadiev could not take place.

"These rumors about the alleged Usik can not go to battle is complete nonsense, there is absolutely no There are no outstanding issues. Usik himself personally told me of his desire to win the first Mohammed Ali Cup in the world.More than a month ago, he said that he did not care about where the finals were going And it is absolutely certain that he will give this trophy on his head on the next Sabbath, "Sauerland said.

"In the first cruiserweight final, there are two great boxers, a terrific athlete who put everything into play. That's exactly what we wanted to do for the super series." Olympic "- an excellent place to identify the first winner of the Mohammed Ali Cup among two very talented athletes, who have had a rare opportunity to write a story.I do not know if there may be a stronger motivation to get into the ring and fight the rest of my life, "added the promoter.

Fight Gbadiev – Usik is scheduled for July 21 at the Moscow Olympic Complex. The weight category titles reach 90.71 kg according to World Boxing Council (WBC), World Boxing Organization (WBO), World Boxing Association (WBA) and International Boxing Federation (IBF) versions .

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