We want the whole world to support the Croatian national team in the final of the World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


The head coach of Croatia, Zlatko Dalich, shared his expectations on the final match of the 2018 World Cup with the France team.

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"I do not pay much attention to statistics – it exists to change it – we came to enjoy the final and give the best result, not particularly interested in who our opponent is, we deserve to play here. the whole world supports us Let the strongest win

The most difficult matches were in the group stage, now there is no pressure, I will not tire my players. Whole will follow us, and will not need to squeeze and fix.It is the most important match for them and for the whole people.If we fail, we will do it with dignity.And if we win the goblet, nobody will be more proud than us – Galina Kozlova, correspondent of the "Championship" of Dalina, reports

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