What did Kutepov do at the 2018 World Cup, what did they pay attention to? – Mail.Ru Sports


The former Spartak player Valery Reingold – on the interest of European clubs for the Spartak defender and the Russian national team Ilya Kutepov.

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"To put it bluntly, I'm not thrilled with his game. Well, if they give money, then it's the problems and the choice of those teams that are ready to pay such a sum for that .Kutepov still has to be recruited, recruited and recruited.And, frankly, what did Kutepov did, that they paid attention to him? I do not understand. Well, he's playing at the 2018 World Cup, there are a lot of such players, and Ignashevich is playing at least as well.It's clear that during and after the World Cup, some players love hot cakes, they do not like them. have been and will be and the team that will acquire Kutepov – a flag in their hands.Maybe from one day and get a great footballer, but I 'm doubt certainly

What is the difference between Kutepov's performance in the Russian national team and Spartak? The difference is that in the face of the best equi pe of the World Cup, the Russian national team played the whole team on the defensive. That's the difference! And if Kutepova goes off to play one-on-one or with more attacking football … how do you not understand that? I do not want to scold the team, now everything is fine. Recall that in the match of the 1/8 finals of the World Cup, Russia beat Spain (penalties of 1: 1, 4: 3) and reached the quarter-finals. , where he will play with Croatia. The meeting will take place on July 7 in Sochi, from 9:00 pm (Moscow time).

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