What is the highest paid profession in Kazakhstan?


He spoke about it during a briefing at the CCC, commenting on the results of the first stage of the evaluation of educational programs in the universities of the republic.

"Specialty" Oil and gas trade. "As previously stated, he was very well paid.In the same specialty, there was still a high percentage of jobs.Therefore, tomorrow, demand may At the same time, there are specialties such as "journalism" where employment was the lowest – 63 percent "[TalgatEshenkulovvice-ministredel'seducation] noted .

He added that a salary of 900 thousand tenge are received by those who studied in the specialty "oil and gas industry".

"I can name the specialties that have high wages – the" oil and gas activities. "The average salary is 202 thousand tenge." Transportation Equipment and Technology "- there the average salary is 174 thousand "Mines" – the average salary is 174 thousand tenge. "Automation and management" – the average salary is 159 thousand tenge Talgat Eshenkulov, Deputy Minister reports .

Note that the Ministry of education and science, together with the Atameken Scientific and Production Enterprise, evaluates the teaching programs of the universities.

the beginning of the scoring was the ranking task among the programs 2000. We have studied 784 programs in 33 specialties, usually technical, economic, commercial and social specialties, and will publish this badessment on the NPP and MES websites. He is You'll be able to get acquainted in detail with the notes on these specialties, the scores, indicate the amount of wages, and the average score for the percentage of employment. This note is necessary for the participants. This rating does not determine which university is better or worse. We have tried to look at the badessment of the employer here, how they evaluate educational programs. Probably, in some a high school is a leader, and on the other hand lagging behind, "- Deputy Minister of education and science Talgat Eshenkulov added . [ad_2]
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